Coming REAL soon we have Pikamini Products. Two of our feature products made by us at Pikamini are our 'Show Rugs' that are hand made in various sizes. Our rugs are called 'Show Rugs' but aren't just for showing as they are used for the cooler months at night due to the polar fleece lining. For the warmer months we can make the rugs without the polar fleece. Our rugs are semi-water proof. This means they keep your guys dry from winter dews and light showers. Grover's currently testing them for us. hehe He's LOVING it. They are made of heavy duty 'Ripstop' material and we'll be displaying them in the next week or so from todays date of Thursday, the 28th of May, 2009.

Below is Grover trying one out.

Our other product is homemade goats milk soap. It's curing right now and will be available soon.

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